Greetings Evergreen Families,

Let us welcome you to the brand new year 2025! Mrs. Tottempudi and I are delighted to welcome back our returning students and extend a warm Evergreen welcome to our new families joining us this year. It is with renewed enthusiasm and excitement that we continue the journey we started this school year. 

This school year, we embarked on a journey to focus on tapping into the potential of our students by introducing them to “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective  People” . We spent the first trimester training teachers and staff members, introducing each idea to the students, and highlighting students that modeled exemplary understanding of these principles. Students were showcased on a bulletin board, given certificates and a bracelet to recognize their practice of the 7 habits. We continue this commitment so our students can reach their true potential academically, socially, and emotionally. 

As we reflect on the past calendar year and look forward to the upcoming year, we are thankful for the wonderful parent community that entrusts us with their children. We thank you for your trust in us as a school and your willingness to partner with us. It is this willingness that has impacted our attendance rate positively. While there is much work to do in this area, we are thankful for your open dialogue and willingness to work with us. We continue to invite you to engage with our school community by joining our PATT  (Parents and Teacher Together), attending school sponsored events, and participating in the parent teacher conferences. Please know that we share similar dreams and hopes for our children. We see in them what they might not yet see in themselves yet - a leader, an achiever, a valuable member of the community, and an eagle soaring to new heights!

 Our commitment is unwavering when it comes to providing quality education for our students. It is because of this commitment that our staff is constantly engaged in learning and growing as professionals so we can provide the best for our children.  Additionally, to help students reach their potential, we have started an extended school program called SOAR (Students on Academic Rise) that provides additional opportunities for students to close the achievement gap. We are excited to announce our enrollment is increasing! Our students are having fun learning in small groups that target their specific learning needs.

It takes a village to raise children. We are proud and grateful to be a part of that village. We take this job seriously and realize that we literally are shaping the future for our students and ourselves. It is our students today that will shape our tomorrow. We continue to call upon your support and collaboration to ensure that  our students are “Kind, Respectful, Evergreen Leaders who soar to new heights.” As always, the school’s leadership doors are always open, and we welcome you. Please feel free to stop  in or call to make an appointment. Partner with us to discuss any concerns, suggestions, or ideas to help  make this year the best it can be!

Educationally Yours,

Johan Manuel Rojas, Ed.D., Principal

Haritha Tottempudi, Assistant Principal